We give a new syntax independent definition of the notion of a generalized algebraic theory as an initial object in a category of categories with families (cwfs) with extra structure. To this end we define inductively how to build a valid signature $\Sigma$ for a generalized algebraic theory and the associated category of cwfs with a $\Sigma$-structure and cwf-morphisms that preserve this structure on the nose. Our definition refers to uniform families of contexts, types, and terms, a purely semantic notion. Furthermore, we show how to syntactically construct initial cwfs with $\Sigma$-structures. This result can be viewed as a generalization of Birkhoff's completeness theorem for equational logic. It is obtained by extending Castellan, Clairambault, and Dybjer's construction of an initial cwf. We provide examples of generalized algebraic theories for monoids, categories, categories with families, and categories with families with extra structure for some type formers of dependent type theory. The models of these are internal monoids, internal categories, and internal categories with families (with extra structure) in a category with families.
翻译:我们给广义代数理论概念下一个新的独立语法定义,作为具有额外结构的家庭类别(cwfs)的类别中的初始对象。 为此,我们细略地定义了如何为广义代数理论和相关的 cwfs 类构建一个有效的签名$\Sigma$,以维护鼻子上的这一结构。我们的定义指的是环境、类型和术语的统一家庭,一个纯粹的语义概念。此外,我们展示了如何用$\Sigma$结构合成初始 cwfs。这个结果可以被视为Birkhoff 完整性理论在等式逻辑上的概括化。它是通过扩展Castellan、Clairambault和Dybjer的初始 cwf结构获得的。我们给出了单一背景、类型和术语的统一词系、类别、家庭类别和有额外结构的家庭类别。在内部结构中,这些模式是带有内部类型理论的单项和内部类型家庭。