In this letter, we investigate error performance of rectangular pulse-shaped orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation with a practical receiver. Specifically, we consider an essential bandpass filter at receiver RF front-end, which has been ignored in existing works. We analyse the effect of rectangular pulses on practical OTFS receiver performance, and derive the exact forms of interference in delay-Doppler (DD) domain. We demonstrate that the transmitted information symbols in certain regions of the DD domain are severely contaminated. As a result, there is an error floor in the receiver error performance, which needs to be addressed for such OTFS waveform in practical systems.
翻译:在此信中,我们用一个实用接收器来调查矩形脉冲形状正方形时空空间调制的错误性能。 具体地说, 我们考虑在接收器RF前端设置一个必要的带宽过滤器, 现有工程对此置之不理。 我们分析矩形脉冲对操作OTFS接收器的实际性能的影响, 并得出延迟- Doppler (DD) 域内干扰的确切形式。 我们证明DD区域某些区域传送的信息符号受到严重污染。 因此, 接收器错误性能有误, 实际系统中的这种 OTFS波形需要解决 。