The domain shift, coming from unneglectable modality gap and non-overlapped identity classes between training and test sets, is a major issue of RGB-Infrared person re-identification. A key to tackle the inherent issue -- domain shift -- is to enforce the data distributions of the two domains to be similar. However, RGB-IR ReID always demands discriminative features, leading to over-rely feature sensitivity of seen classes, \textit{e.g.}, via attention-based feature alignment or metric learning. Therefore, predicting the unseen query category from predefined training classes may not be accurate and leads to a sub-optimal adversarial gradient. In this paper, we uncover it in a more explainable way and propose a novel multi-granularity memory regulation and alignment module (MG-MRA) to solve this issue. By explicitly incorporating a latent variable attribute, from fine-grained to coarse semantic granularity, into intermediate features, our method could alleviate the over-confidence of the model about discriminative features of seen classes. Moreover, instead of matching discriminative features by traversing nearest neighbor, sparse attributes, \textit{i.e.}, global structural pattern, are recollected with respect to features and assigned to measure pair-wise image similarity in hashing. Extensive experiments on RegDB \cite{RegDB} and SYSU-MM01 \cite{SYSU} show the superiority of the proposed method that outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available in
翻译:域变是来自培训组和测试组之间不可忽略的模式差异和未过度调整的身份类别,因此,预定义的培训组和测试组之间对隐性查询类别的预测可能不准确,导致亚最佳对抗性辩论梯度。处理内在问题的关键是,域变 -- -- 执行两个域的数据分布方式相似。然而, RGB-IR ReID 总是要求有区别性特征,导致所见类别(\ textit{e.g.})的过度重复性敏感度,导致以关注为基础的特征对立/度学习。因此,预定义的培训组的隐性查询类别可能不准确,导致亚最佳对抗性对抗性调高。在本文中,我们以更可解释的方式发现它,并提出一个新的多感光度记忆和校准模块(MG-MRA)来解决这个问题。通过明确将隐性变量属性(从细度到粗度的语调的语调颗固性颗固性颗固性颗固性颗固性颗粒性特征,我们的方法可以减轻现有关于所见类别歧视性特征的过度信任度。此外,而不是以近度法度法度分析性MDRBRDRDRDR),在近的模型中,在近的模型中显示近的模型上显示近的底度上显示正正度的底度的底度测量性结构的底基质度测量度测量度测量度 。