Through Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), time-to-event data: from the pre-dementia state of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD), is collected and analyzed by explicitly unraveling prognostic heterogeneity among 346 uncensored and 557 right censored subjects under structural dependency among covariate features. The non-informative censoring mechanism is tested and confirmed based on conditional-vs-marginal entropies evaluated upon contingency tables built by the Redistribute-to-the-right algorithm. The Categorical Exploratory Data Analysis (CEDA) paradigm is applied to evaluate conditional entropy-based associative patterns between the categorized response variable against 16 categorized covariable variables all having 4 categories. Two order-1 global major factors: V9 (MEM-mean) and V8 ( are selected sharing the highest amounts of mutual information with the response variable. This heavily censored data set is analyzed by Cox's proportional hazard (PH) modeling. Comparisons of PH and CEDA results on a global scale are complicated under the structural dependency of covariate features. To alleviate such complications, V9 and V8 are taken as two potential perspectives of heterogeneity and the entire collections of subjects are divided into two sets of four sub-collections. CEDA major factor selection protocol is applied to all sub-collections to figure out which features provide extra information. Graphic displays are developed to explicitly unravel conditional entropy expansions upon perspectives of heterogeneity in ADNI data. On the local scale, PH analysis is carried out and results are compared with CEDA's. We conclude that, when facing structural dependency among covariates and heterogeneity in data, CEDA and its major factor selection provide significant merits for manifesting data's multiscale information content.
翻译:通过阿尔茨海默氏氏病神经神经化倡议(ADNI),时间到活动数据:从轻认知障碍(MCI)到阿尔茨海默氏病的诊断(AD),从水泥前状态开始,通过明确解析346个未审查的和557个右侧受审查的具有结构依赖性的共变异特征的346个分类变量之间的预测性异质性和557个右侧受审查的主体来收集和分析。非信息检查机制根据条件V-Min-Minmarial-incarial entrictions(ADI),根据对重新归正右算法算法建立的应急表格来进行测试和确认。Cox 重归正根据C-EDA 的轨迹外观(CEMtermotion) 和 V8(ADBl) 的快速数据集系根据C-EFloral-deal-deal-deal-deal-deal-de disality (PHA) 数据,根据C-Slental Aral-deal-deal-deal Adeal-deal-lational-deal Aslational-deal-deal-deal ex ex ex diversational diversal ex ex divial deal divial dal ex ex ex ex ex ex ex exal exal deal ex ex ex exal exal deal exal devial devial demoal devial ladal dismal dismal dismal dismal disal dismal dismal dismal dismal) 提供 数据,根据他提供 和C) 提供 和C- 和Sl dismal dismal dismal dismaldaldaldal dalal disalalalalalalalalalalalalalaldal dal daldaldaldaldaldal dal daldaldald 和Salalalalalal 提供了所有C) 和Sal dalal