Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved great improvements in single image dehazing and attained much attention in research. Most existing learning-based dehazing methods are not fully end-to-end, which still follow the traditional dehazing procedure: first estimate the medium transmission and the atmospheric light, then recover the haze-free image based on the atmospheric scattering model. However, in practice, due to lack of priors and constraints, it is hard to precisely estimate these intermediate parameters. Inaccurate estimation further degrades the performance of dehazing, resulting in artifacts, color distortion and insufficient haze removal. To address this, we propose a fully end-to-end Generative Adversarial Networks with Fusion-discriminator (FD-GAN) for image dehazing. With the proposed Fusion-discriminator which takes frequency information as additional priors, our model can generator more natural and realistic dehazed images with less color distortion and fewer artifacts. Moreover, we synthesize a large-scale training dataset including various indoor and outdoor hazy images to boost the performance and we reveal that for learning-based dehazing methods, the performance is strictly influenced by the training data. Experiments have shown that our method reaches state-of-the-art performance on both public synthetic datasets and real-world images with more visually pleasing dehazed results.
翻译:最近,共生神经网络(CNNs)在单一图像脱色方面取得了巨大进步,在研究中引起了很大关注。大多数现有的基于学习的脱色方法并非完全端对端,仍然遵循传统的脱色程序:首先估计介质传播和大气光,然后根据大气散射模型恢复无烟图像。然而,由于缺乏前科和制约,在实践中很难精确地估计这些中间参数。不准确的估计进一步降低脱色性能,导致人工制品、颜色扭曲和不完全去除烟雾。为了解决这个问题,我们建议采用完全端对端的发色异异端网络(FD-GAN)进行图像脱色处理。拟议的脱色异端图象(FD-GAN)将频率信息作为其他前科,因此,我们的模型可以产生更自然和现实的脱色图像,而合成的合成的解色图像较少。此外,我们将大规模的培训数据组合,包括各种室内和室间真实的脱色图像。我们提出的一个完全端端到端断层的反向反色网络网络(FD-GAN) 以严格地提升图像的性能。我们所展示的实验方法显示的状态。我们所显示的不动的状态数据,以学习的状态显示的不动性能。