The novel blockchain generation of Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) state machine replication (SMR) protocols focuses on scalability and performance to meet requirements of distributed ledger technology (DLT), e.g., decentralization and geographic dispersion. Validating scalability and performance of BFT protocol implementations requires careful evaluation. While experiments with real protocol deployments usually offer the best realism, they are costly and time-consuming. In this paper, we explore simulation of unmodified BFT protocol implementations as as a method for cheap and rapid protocol evaluation: We can accurately forecast the performance of a BFT protocol while experimentally scaling its environment, i.e., by varying the number of nodes or geographic dispersion. Our approach is resource-friendly and preserves application-realism, since existing BFT frameworks can be simply plugged into the simulation engine without requiring code modifications or re-implementation.
翻译:Byzantine 错误容忍州机器复制协议(SMR)的新型连锁链生成侧重于可缩放性和性能,以满足分布式分类账技术(DLT)的要求,例如权力下放和地理分散。验证BFT协议执行的可缩放性和性需要仔细评估。虽然实际协议部署的实验通常提供最佳现实主义,但成本高且耗时。在本文中,我们探索模拟未修改的BFT协议执行,作为廉价和快速协议评估的一种方法:我们可以精确预测BFT协议的性能,同时实验性地扩大其环境范围,即通过改变节点或地理分散程度。我们的方法有利于资源并保存应用现实主义,因为现有的BFT框架可以简单地插入模拟引擎,而无需修改或重新实施代码。