Obtaining lightweight and accurate approximations of Hessian applies in inverse problems governed by partial differential equations (PDEs) is an essential task to make both deterministic and Bayesian statistical large-scale inverse problems computationally tractable. The $\mathcal{O}(N^{3})$ computational complexity of dense linear algebraic routines such as that needed for sampling from Gaussian proposal distributions and Newton solves by direct linear methods, can be reduced to log-linear complexity by utilizing hierarchical off-diagonal low-rank (HODLR) matrix approximations. In this work, we show that a class of Hessians that arise from inverse problems governed by PDEs are well approximated by the HODLR matrix format. In particular, we study inverse problems governed by PDEs that model the instantaneous viscous flow of ice sheets. In these problems, we seek a spatially distributed basal sliding parameter field such that the flow predicted by the ice sheet model is consistent with ice sheet surface velocity observations. We demonstrate the use of HODLR approximation by efficiently generating Hessian approximations that allow fast generation of samples from a Gaussianized posterior proposal distribution. Computational studies are performed which illustrate ice sheet problem regimes for which the Gauss-Newton data-misfit Hessian is more efficiently approximated by the HODLR matrix format than the low-rank (LR) format. We then demonstrate that HODLR approximations can be favorable, when compared to global low-rank approximations, for large-scale problems by studying the data-misfit Hessian associated to inverse problems governed by the Stokes flow model on the Humboldt glacier and Greenland ice sheets.
翻译:获取海珊的轻量和准确近似, 适用于由部分偏差方程( PDEs) 调节的反面问题。 使确定论和巴伊西亚统计大规模反向问题可以进行计算。 $\ mathcal{O}( N ⁇ 3}) 美元是密集线性代数常规的计算复杂度, 例如从高山提案分布和牛顿溶液进行抽样所需的计算。 在这些问题中, 可以通过使用偏差的离对角的低水平( HODLR) 矩阵近似值来降低对线性复杂度。 在这项工作中, 我们显示, 由PDDEs 所处理的反面问题产生的某类赫斯人, 特别是, 我们研究由PDEs 所处理的即时即时的直线性粘结流参数字段, 这样, 冰层表型模型所预测的正下流能与冰层地平流相匹配。 我们研究HODLRI 的精确度, 以高端模型为快速的模化模型, 演示HODLLLLLM 的模型, 用于HDGLD 的快速的模型, 的模型的模拟的模拟的模拟的模拟, 以HDODMs 演示, 的模型的模型的模型的模拟的模拟的模型的模型的模型的模型的模型的模拟的模拟的模拟的模拟的模拟的模拟的模型的模拟的模拟的模型的模拟的模拟的模拟的模拟的模拟的模拟的模拟的模拟的模拟数据流。