Machine Learning may push research in precision medicine to unprecedented heights. To succeed, machine learning needs a large amount of data, often including personal data. Therefore, machine learning applied to precision medicine is on a cliff edge: if it does not learn to fly, it will deeply fall down. In this paper, we present Active Informed Consent (AIC) as a novel hybrid legal-technological tool to foster the gathering of a large amount of data for machine learning. We carefully analyzed the compliance of this technological tool to the legal intricacies protecting the privacy of European Citizens.
翻译:机器学习可能会将精密医学的研究推向前所未有的高度。 要想取得成功,机器学习需要大量的数据,常常包括个人数据。 因此,精确医学应用的机器学习处于悬崖边缘:如果它不学会飞行,它就会严重下降。 在本文中,我们提出“积极知情的同意”作为新的混合法律技术工具,促进收集大量机器学习数据。我们仔细分析了这一技术工具是否符合保护欧洲公民隐私的法律复杂性。