Boolean MaxSAT, as well as generalized formulations such as Min-MaxSAT and Max-hybrid-SAT, are fundamental optimization problems in Boolean reasoning. Existing methods for MaxSAT have been successful in solving benchmarks in CNF format. They lack, however, the ability to handle hybrid and generalized MaxSAT problems natively. To address this issue, we propose a novel dynamic-programming approach for solving generalized MaxSAT problems -- called Dynamic-Programming-MaxSAT or DPMS for short -- based on Algebraic Decision Diagrams (ADDs). With the power of ADDs and the (graded) project-join-tree builder, our versatile framework can handle many generalizations of MaxSAT, such as MaxSAT with non-CNF constraints, Min-MaxSAT and MinSAT. Moreover, DPMS scales provably well on instances with low width. Empirical results indicate that DPMS is able to solve certain problems quickly, where other algorithms based on various techniques all fail. Hence, DPMS is a promising framework and opens a new line of research that desires more investigation in the future.
翻译:Boolean MaxSAT, 以及Min-MaxSAT和Max-hybrid-SAT等通用配方,是布尔语推理中根本的优化问题。 MaxSAT的现有方法成功地解决了CNF格式的基准。 但是,它们缺乏以本地方式处理混合和通用的MaxSAT问题的能力。 为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新颖的动态-方案化方法,以解决普遍MaxSAT问题 -- -- 称为动态-方案化-MaxSAT或短期DPMS -- -- 以代数决策图(ADDs)为基础。因此,由于ADDs和(分级)项目-join-tree建设器的力量,我们的多功能框架可以处理许多MaxSAT的通用,例如有非CNF限制的MaxSAT、Min-MaxSAT和MinSAT。此外,DPMS的尺度在低宽度情况下相当适合。 Emprical 结果表明,DPMS能够迅速解决某些问题,而其他基于各种技术的算法都失败了。因此,DPMS是一个很有希望的新的研究路线。