Recently unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction (BLI) without any parallel corpus has attracted much research interest. One of the crucial parts in methods for the BLI task is the matching procedure. Previous works impose a too strong constraint on the matching and lead to many counterintuitive translation pairings. Thus, We propose a relaxed matching procedure to find a more precise matching between two languages. We also find that aligning source and target language embedding space bidirectionally will bring significant improvement. We follow the previous iterative framework to conduct experiments. Results on standard benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, which substantially outperforms previous unsupervised methods.
翻译:最近无人监督的双语词汇介绍(BLI)没有任何平行内容,引起了许多研究兴趣。 BLI任务方法的关键部分之一是匹配程序。先前的作品对匹配设置了过于严格的限制,导致许多反直觉翻译配对。因此,我们提出一个宽松的匹配程序,以便在两种语言之间找到更精确的匹配。我们还发现,将源和目标语言与源与目标语言双向结合将带来显著的改进。我们遵循了先前的迭接框架来进行实验。标准基准结果显示了我们拟议方法的有效性,该方法大大优于以往未受监督的方法。