This paper introduces a surrogate model of gameplay that learns the mapping between different game facets, and applies it to a generative system which designs new content in one of these facets. Focusing on the shooter game genre, the paper explores how deep learning can help build a model which combines the game level structure and the game's character class parameters as input and the gameplay outcomes as output. The model is trained on a large corpus of game data from simulations with artificial agents in random sets of levels and class parameters. The model is then used to generate classes for specific levels and for a desired game outcome, such as balanced matches of short duration. Findings in this paper show that the system can be expressive and can generate classes for both computer generated and human authored levels.
翻译:本文介绍一个游戏游戏的替代模型, 以学习不同游戏方位之间的映射, 并将其应用到一个基因化系统, 来设计其中的一个方面的新内容。 以射击游戏的风格为重点, 论文探讨了深层学习如何帮助构建一个模型, 将游戏级别结构和游戏的字符类参数作为输入, 以及游戏游戏游戏的结果作为输出。 该模型通过随机的级别和类级参数组合的人工剂模拟获得大量游戏数据。 该模型然后用于生成特定级别和预期的游戏结果的类, 如平衡的短时匹配。 本文的研究结果显示, 系统可以表达, 并且可以生成计算机和人类作者层次的类 。