We study theoretically the resistance at the interface between the two planar systems with different lattice constants a and b. The resistance and the effect of the magnetic field depends sensitively on the ratio a/b. The size of the enlarged unit cell $\lambda = n_Aa = n_Bb$ ($n_A$, $n_B$: integers) is the crucial quantity, and the magnetic flux penetrating this enlarged unit cell determines the oscillation of the resistance. Therefore, the magnetoresistance is very much enhanced at (nearly) incommensurate relation between a and b.
翻译:在理论上,我们研究两个平板系统与不同拉蒂常数a和b的界面的抗力。磁场的抗力和效应敏感地取决于a/b比率。扩大的单元单位单位单位单位的大小 $\lambda = n_Aa = n_B$n_A$, $n_B$:整数)是关键数量,而这个扩大的单元的磁通量穿透决定了抗力的振动。因此,磁性在a和b之间的(近距离)平衡关系上大大增强。