This paper proposes RCP, a new reversible coherence protocol that ensures invisible speculative load execution (ISLE) with low overhead. RCP can be combined with processor mechanisms that eliminate the effects of speculative instructions on other instructions to achieve low overhead invisible speculative execution (ISE). ISE provides protection that is at least as strong as speculative privacy tracking (SPT) and stronger than speculative taint tracking (STT). RCP is designed by systematically extending the existing coherence protocol to incorporate speculative loads and states. The protocol is implemented in Gem5 and verified with Murphi. The results show that RCP based ISE incurs lower overhead than STT/SDO/SPT while providing similar/stronger protection.
翻译:本文提出RCP, 这是一项新的可逆一致性协议,确保隐性投机性负载执行(ISLE)和低管理费执行(ISE),可与消除投机性指示对其他指令的影响的处理机制相结合,以便实现低间接无形投机执行(ISE),ISE提供的保护至少与投机性隐私跟踪(STT)一样强大,比投机性污点跟踪(STT)更强大。RCP的设计方法是系统地扩大现有的一致性协议,将投机性负载和各州纳入其中。协议在Gem5中实施,并与Murphi一起核查。结果显示,基于RCP的 ISE的间接费用比STT/SDO/STT少,同时提供类似的/更强大的保护。