The integration of Agile development and user experience (UX) has received significant attention over the past decade. The literature contains several process models and wide-ranging discussion about the benefits and challenges of this integration. However, academia has given this integration short shrift. In fact, there are very few publications covering educational courses dealing with Agile development and UX. In this paper, we report on our experience of designing and running a graduate software engineering course that covers the integration of Lean UX into Scrum and employs gamification to improve student engagement. We identified six lessons learned that new point to important aspects to be considered when integrating Agile development and UX in academia. For example, we discuss the complexity of managing Lean UX activities in short sprints or how the design of a testable and tactical hypothesis can be one of the most challenging aspects of the Lean UX process.
翻译:过去十年来,Agile发展与用户经验(UX)的整合受到极大关注,文献载有若干过程模型,并广泛讨论了这种整合的好处和挑战,然而,学术界对这种整合给予短暂的考虑,事实上,涉及Agile发展与UX教育课程的出版物很少。我们在本文件中报告了我们设计和开办研究生软件工程课程的经验,该课程涉及将Lean UX纳入Scrum,并运用拼写法改进学生的参与。我们发现,所学到的六个教训是,在将Agile发展与UX纳入学术界时必须考虑的重要方面。例如,我们讨论了短期管理Lean UX活动的复杂性,或者说,设计一个可测试的战术假设如何成为Lean UX进程最具挑战性的方面之一。