Power consumption of a circuit can be exploited to recover the secret key of a cryptographic algorithm. This technique is known as power analysis, one of the well-known techniques of side-channel analysis. Many software countermeasures against power analysis present a time-space trade-off. Masking and shuffling come at cost of the execution time and the extreme use of run-time random number generators. Internally encoded implementations of block ciphers, on the other hand, require large memory space to store a set of lookup tables. While the internal encoding is widely used in white-box cryptography, it has a serious drawback. It cannot protect the secret key against power analysis. In this paper, we propose a secure internal encoding method of an AES implementation. Provided that the five inner rounds are left unprotected because these are not subject to power analysis, the lookup tables are approximately 232KB in size and the number of operation including XORs and table lookups are about 1,000 in total. This is about half the table size required by the white-box AES implementation, which is vulnerable to power analysis, and is about three times the amount of operations required by the straightforward AES implementation.
翻译:电路的电流消耗可以用来回收加密算法的秘密钥匙。 这个技术被称为电源分析,这是众所周知的侧通道分析技术之一。 许多针对电源分析的软件反措施是一种时间空间交换。 遮蔽和冲洗以执行时间和极使用运行时随机数生成器的成本为代价。 内部编码的区块密码器的安装需要很大的内存空间来存储一套查看表。 虽然内部编码在白箱加密法中广泛使用, 但有一个严重的缺陷。 它无法保护秘密密钥不受电源分析的影响。 在本文中,我们建议使用一个安全的内部编码方法来实施 AES 。 如果5个内壳由于不受电源分析的影响而未加以保护, 则这些内壳的大小约为232KB, 包括 XORs 和表外观在内的操作总数约为1,000 。 这大约是白箱 AES 执行中需要的表格大小的一半, 这很容易受到电源分析, 并且大约是直接执行AES 所需要的操作量的三倍。