We compute the massive-sector worldsheet S-matrix for superstring theories in AdS(n) x S(n) x T(10-2n) (with n=2,3,5) in the near BMN expansion up to one-loop order in inverse string tension. We show that, after taking into account the wave function renormalization, the one-loop S-matrix is UV finite. In an appropriate regularization scheme the S-matrix is consistent with the underlying symmetries of the superstring theory, i.e. for the n=3,5 cases it coincides with the one implied by the light-cone gauge symmetries with the dressing phases determined from the crossing equations. For the n=2,3 cases we observe that the massless modes decouple from the one-loop calculation of massive mode scattering, i.e. the 2n-dimensional supercoset sigma model and the full 10-dimensional superstring happen to have the same massive one-loop S-matrix.
翻译:我们计算了AdS(n) x S(n) x T(10-2n) x T(10-2n)(N=2,35)。 在接近BMN的扩展到一环顺序时,在反弦张力下,我们计算了超弦理论的大型部门世界表S矩阵。我们显示,考虑到波函数的重新整顿,单环S-matrix是UV的有限值。在适当的正规化方案中,Smatrix与超弦理论的基本对称一致,即,对于n=3,它与光锥体测量对称所隐含的与从交叉方程式中决定的加固阶段的对称相吻合。对于n=2,3个案例,我们观察到,从大规模散射模式的单环计算中,即2n-维超光谱成像模型和全十维超谱的对称的无质量模式,碰巧是相同的大型单环Smatric。