We propose a network independent, hand-held system to translate and disambiguate foreign restaurant menu items in real-time. The system is based on the use of a portable multimedia device, such as a smartphones or a PDA. An accurate and fast translation is obtained using a Machine Translation engine and a context-specific corpora to which we apply two pre-processing steps, called translation standardization and $n$-gram consolidation. The phrase-table generated is orders of magnitude lighter than the ones commonly used in market applications, thus making translations computationally less expensive, and decreasing the battery usage. Translation ambiguities are mitigated using multimedia information including images of dishes and ingredients, along with ingredient lists. We implemented a prototype of our system on an iPod Touch Second Generation for English speakers traveling in Spain. Our tests indicate that our translation method yields higher accuracy than translation engines such as Google Translate, and does so almost instantaneously. The memory requirements of the application, including the database of images, are also well within the limits of the device. By combining it with a database of nutritional information, our proposed system can be used to help individuals who follow a medical diet maintain this diet while traveling.
翻译:我们建议建立一个独立、手持的网络系统,实时翻译和淡化外国餐馆菜单,该系统的基础是使用移动多媒体设备,如智能手机或个人数据数据系统。使用机器翻译引擎和因地制宜的复合体获得准确和快速的翻译,我们对其采用两个预处理步骤,即翻译标准化和美元美元组合。生成的词组比市场应用程序通常使用的数量小得多,因此计算成本较低,并减少电池用量。通过多媒体信息,包括盘子和成份以及成分清单,可以减少翻译的模糊性。我们用iPod Touch第二代的系统原型为在西班牙旅行的英语演讲者提供了iPod Touch第二代。我们的测试表明,我们的翻译方法比Google Translate等翻译引擎更精确,而且几乎即时如此。应用程序的记忆要求,包括图像数据库,也完全在设备范围内。通过将它与营养信息数据库相结合,我们提议的系统可以用来帮助旅行时遵守医疗饮食的个人。