This paper proposes a perceptual visual analysis regarding the personality of virtual humans. Many studies have presented findings regarding the way human beings perceive virtual humans with respect to their faces, body animation, motion in the virtual environment and etc. We are interested in investigating the way people perceive visual manifestations of virtual humans' personality traits when they are interactive and organized in groups. Many applications in games and movies can benefit from the findings regarding the perceptual analysis with the main goal to provide more realistic characters and improve the users' experience. We provide experiments with subjects and obtained results indicate that, although is very subtle, people perceive more the extraversion (the personality trait that we measured), into the crowds of virtual humans, when interacting with virtual humans behaviors, than when just observing as a spectator camera.
翻译:本文建议对虚拟人的个性进行视觉分析。 许多研究都介绍了人类对虚拟人的面貌、身体动画、虚拟环境中的运动等的认知方式。我们有兴趣调查人们在互动和群体组织起来时对虚拟人的个性特征的视觉表现的认知方式。游戏和电影的许多应用可以受益于关于概念分析的发现,其主要目的是提供更现实的人物,改善用户的经验。我们提供课程实验和获得的结果表明,虽然非常微妙,但人们在与虚拟人类行为互动时,而不是仅仅作为观众摄影机观察时,对虚拟人类人群的外向(我们所测量的个性特征)感受更多。