In recent decades, the weather around the world has become more irregular and extreme, often causing large-scale extended power outages. Resilience -- the capability of withstanding, adapting to, and recovering from a large-scale disruption -- has become a top priority for the power sector. However, the understanding of power grid resilience still stays on the conceptual level mostly or focuses on particular components, yielding no actionable results or revealing few insights on the system level. This study provides a quantitatively measurable definition of power grid resilience, using a statistical model inspired by patterns observed from data and domain knowledge. We analyze a large-scale quarter-hourly historical electricity customer outage data and the corresponding weather records, and draw connections between the model and industry resilience practice. We showcase the resilience analysis using three major service territories on the east coast of the United States. Our analysis suggests that cumulative weather effects play a key role in causing immediate, sustained outages, and these outages can propagate and cause secondary outages in neighboring areas. The proposed model also provides some interesting insights into grid resilience enhancement planning. For example, our simulation results indicate that enhancing the power infrastructure in a small number of critical locations can reduce nearly half of the number of customer power outages in Massachusetts. In addition, we have shown that our model achieves promising accuracy in predicting the progress of customer power outages throughout extreme weather events, which can be very valuable for system operators and federal agencies to prepare disaster response.
翻译:近几十年来,世界各地的天气变得更加非常规和极端,往往导致大规模电力大量停电。复原力 -- -- 承受、适应和从大规模中断中恢复的能力 -- -- 已成为电力部门的首要优先事项。然而,对电网复原力的理解仍然主要停留在概念层面,或主要集中于特定部件,没有产生可操作的结果,或对系统层面的洞察力很少。这项研究利用数据和域域知识所观察到的模式所启发的统计模型,对电网复原力作了定量的可计量定义。我们分析了大规模四分之一小时的历史电力客户流出数据和相应的天气记录,并绘制了模型和行业复原力实践之间的联系。我们用美国东海岸的三大服务区展示了复原力分析。我们的分析表明,累积的天气效应在造成即时、持续断电方面起着关键作用,这些断电会传播并导致邻近地区的二次断电。拟议模型还提供了对电网复原力增强规划的一些有意思的洞察力。例如,我们的模拟结果显示,加强一个小数量的联邦电力系统电力运营商的电力基础设施,在关键的天气运行商点之外,我们展示了几乎一半的准确性能预测了我们。