Federated learning (FL) is increasingly deployed among multiple clients (e.g., mobile devices) to train a shared model over decentralized data. To address the privacy concerns, FL systems need to protect the clients' data from being revealed during training and also control the data leakage through trained models when exposed to untrusted domains. Distributed differential privacy (DP) offers an appealing solution in this regard as it achieves an informed tradeoff between privacy and utility without a trusted server. However, existing distributed DP mechanisms work impractically in real world. For instance, to handle realistic scenarios with \emph{client dropout}, these existing mechanisms often make strong assumptions about client participation yet still result in either poor privacy guarantees or unsatisfactory training accuracy. We present Hyades, a distributed differentially private FL framework that is highly efficient and resilient to client dropout. First, we develop a new privacy accounting technique under the notion of Renyi DP that tightly bounds the privacy loss in the presence of dropout before client sampling in FL. This enables Hyades to set a minimum target noise level in each training round. Second, we propose a novel 'add-then-remove' masking scheme to enforce this target noise level, even though some sampled clients may still drop out in the end. Third, we design an efficient secure aggregation mechanism that optimally pipelines communication and computation for faster execution. Evaluation through large-scale cloud deployment shows that Hyades can efficiently handle client dropout in various realistic scenarios, attaining the optimal privacy-utility tradeoff and accelerating the training by up to 2.1$\times$ compared to existing solutions.
翻译:联邦学习(FL)越来越多地在多个客户(例如移动设备)中部署联邦学习(FL),以培训一个共享的分散数据模式;为解决隐私问题,FL系统需要保护客户的数据在培训期间不被披露,并在接触不受信任的领域时通过经过培训的模型控制数据泄漏;分散的差别隐私(DP)在这方面提供了一个具有吸引力的解决方案,因为它在隐私和公用事业之间实现知情的权衡,而没有可靠的服务器;然而,现有的分布式DP机制在现实世界中运作不切实际。例如,在处理客户退出的现实情景时,这些现有机制往往对客户参与做出强烈的假设,但仍导致隐私保障不足或培训准确性不令人满意。我们展示的是Hyades,一个分布式的、分散式私人FLLF框架在接触领域非常高效且对客户辍学具有复原力。首先,我们开发了一个新的隐私会计会计技术,在客户抽样之前,可以设定最低目标的噪音水平,在每次培训回合中,我们提议对当前运行的平价培训进行新的“更新-更新-remoo-removeal ”的客户在设计过程中展示一个高层次的升级的升级。