Latent alignment objectives such as CTC and AXE significantly improve non-autoregressive machine translation models. Can they improve autoregressive models as well? We explore the possibility of training autoregressive machine translation models with latent alignment objectives, and observe that, in practice, this approach results in degenerate models. We provide a theoretical explanation for these empirical results, and prove that latent alignment objectives are incompatible with teacher forcing.
翻译:远程调整目标,如CTC和AXE,大大改进了非反向机器翻译模式。它们还能改进自动递减模式吗?我们探索了以潜在调整目标培训自动递减机器翻译模式的可能性,并观察到,在实践中,这种方法导致模式退化。 我们对这些经验结果提供了理论解释,并证明潜在调整目标与教师强迫不相容。