Two-level domain decomposition (DD) methods are very powerful techniques for the efficient numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs). A two-level domain decomposition method requires two main components: a one-level preconditioner (or its corresponding smoothing iterative method), which is based on domain decomposition techniques, and a coarse correction step, which relies on a coarse space. The coarse space must properly represent the error components that the chosen one-level method is not capable to deal with. In the literature most of the works introduced efficient coarse spaces obtained as the span of functions defined on the entire space domain of the considered PDE. Therefore, the corresponding two-level preconditioners and iterative methods are defined in volume. In this paper, a new class of substructured two-level methods is introduced,for which both domain decomposition smoothers and coarse correction steps are defined on the interfaces (or skeletons). This approach has several advantages. On the one hand, the required computational effort is cheaper than the one required by classical volumetric two-level methods. On the other hand, it allows one to use some of the well-known efficient coarse spaces proposed in the literature. While analyzing in detail the new substructured methods, we present a new convergence analysis for two-level iterative methods, which covers the proposed substructured framework. Further, we study the asymptotic optimality of coarse spaces both theoretically and numerically using deep neural networks. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed new numerical framework.
翻译:两级域分解法(DD)是用于部分差异方程式(PDEs)有效数字解决方案的非常强大的技术。 两级域分解法需要两个主要组成部分:一级先决条件(或其相应的平滑迭代法),它以域分解技术为基础,以及粗略校正步骤,它依赖粗糙的空间。粗糙的空间必须恰当地代表所选择的单级方法无法处理的错误组成部分。在文献中,大部分工程引入了高效的深度粗略空间,这是作为所考虑的PDE整个空间域界定的功能范围。因此,相应的两级先决条件和迭接方法在数量上都有定义。在本文件中,采用了一个新的分层结构的二级方法,为此,在界面(或骨架)上定义了区域分解法和粗糙的校正步骤。这一方法有若干优点。一方面,所需的计算努力比传统体积二级方法所要求的一个更便宜。另一方面,它允许使用两种不同的两级先期预设的预置和迭代方法。我们提议的低序结构下结构下的分析方法,即我们提议的新的数字结构下的分析。