Former US attorney general William Barr and law enforcement colleagues from other countries have published a statement on end-to-end encryption from which we quote: "while encryption is vital and privacy and cybersecurity must be protected, that should not come at the expense of wholly precluding law enforcement". The main argument put forward by law enforcement is that end-to-end encryption (E2EE) hampers authorities prosecuting criminals who rely on encrypted communication - ranging from drug syndicates to child sexual abuse material (CSAM) platforms. This statement, however, is not supported by empirical evidence, and therefore not suitable as the sole basis of policymaking. That is why, in our work, we analyse public court data from the Netherlands to show to what extent law enforcement agencies and the public prosecution service are impacted by the use of E2EE in bringing cases to court and their outcome. Our results show that Dutch law enforcement appears to be as successful in prosecuting offenders who rely on encrypted communication as those who do not. In contrast to what the US attorney general wants us to believe, at least the prosecution of cases does not seem hampered by E2EE.
翻译:美国前总检察长威廉·巴尔和来自其他国家的执法同事发表了关于终端对终端加密的声明,其中我们引述如下:“虽然加密至关重要,隐私和网络安全必须受到保护,但这不应以完全排除执法为代价。” 执法部门提出的主要论点是,终端对终端加密妨碍对依赖加密通信的罪犯的起诉——从毒品辛迪加到儿童性虐待材料平台等——的起诉。 然而,这一声明没有经验证据的支持,因此不适宜作为决策的唯一依据。 这就是为什么我们在工作中分析荷兰的公开法院数据,以表明使用E2EE向法院起诉案件及其结果对执法机构和公诉部门产生了多大程度的影响。我们的结果表明,荷兰执法部门似乎成功地起诉了依赖加密通信的罪犯,而那些不依赖儿童性虐待材料的罪犯。 与美国总检察长希望我们相信的相反,至少对案件的起诉似乎不会受到E2E的阻碍。