The sciences of natural and artificial intelligence are fundamentally connected. Brain-inspired human-engineered AI are now the standard for predicting human brain responses during vision, and conversely, the brain continues to inspire invention in AI. To promote even deeper connections between these fields, we here release the 2021 edition of the Algonauts Project Challenge: How the Human Brain Makes Sense of a World in Motion ( We provide whole-brain fMRI responses recorded while 10 human participants viewed a rich set of over 1,000 short video clips depicting everyday events. The goal of the challenge is to accurately predict brain responses to these video clips. The format of our challenge ensures rapid development, makes results directly comparable and transparent, and is open to all. In this way it facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration towards a common goal of understanding visual intelligence. The 2021 Algonauts Project is conducted in collaboration with the Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN) conference.
翻译:自然和人工智能科学具有根本的联系。 大脑启发人造人工智能如今是预测视觉期间人类大脑反应的标准,反之,大脑继续在AI中激发发明。 为促进这些领域之间更深入的联系,我们在此发布2021年版的Algoauts项目挑战:人类大脑如何在运动中创造世界感知(,我们提供了记录到的全脑FMRI反应,而10名参与者观看了描述日常事件的1 000多段视频短片。挑战的目标是准确预测这些视频短片的大脑反应。我们的挑战形式确保快速发展,使结果直接可比和透明,并且向所有人开放。通过这种方式,我们促进了跨学科合作,以实现理解视觉智能的共同目标。 2021年Algoutas项目与Cognitive Computational Neuroscial(CCN)会议合作进行。