Since the first AI-HRI held at the 2014 AAAI Fall Symposium Series, a lot of the presented research and discussions have emphasized how artificial intelligence (AI) developments can benefit human-robot interaction (HRI). This portrays HRI as an application, a source of domain-specific problems to solve, to the AI community. Likewise, this portrays AI as a tool, a source of solutions available for relevant problems, to the HRI community. However, members of the AI-HRI research community will point out that the relationship has a deeper synergy than matchmaking problems and solutions -- there are insights from each field that impact how the other one thinks about the world and performs scientific research. There is no greater opportunity for sharing perspectives at the moment than human-aware AI, which studies how to account for the fact that people are more than a source of data or part of an algorithm. We will explore how AI-HRI can change the way researchers think about human-aware AI, from observation through validation, to make even the algorithmic design process human-aware.
翻译:自2014年AAAI Fall系列研讨会上首次举行AI-HRI以来,许多介绍的研究和讨论都强调了人工智能(AI)的发展如何有利于人类-机器人互动(HRI),这把HRI描绘成一个应用,是需要解决的领域问题的来源之一,对AI界来说也是如此。同样,这把AI描绘成一个工具,是相关问题的解决办法的来源之一,对人权界来说也是如此。然而,AI-HRI研究界的成员将指出,这种关系比搭配问题和解决办法具有更深的协同作用 -- -- 每个领域都有洞察力影响对方对世界的看法和进行科学研究。目前分享观点的机会莫过于人类觉悟的AI,它研究如何将人们不仅仅是数据来源或算法的一部分这一事实考虑在内。我们将探讨AI-HRI如何改变研究人员从观察到验证,甚至使算法设计过程成为人类觉悟的方式。