【导读】日前,全球最大的非营利专业技术学会IEEE(国际电气与电子工程师协会)发布了2021年度新当选会士(Fellow)名单 (IEEE Society Report《IEEE Fellows Elevated as of January 2022》),一共新增310名Fellow。当选的中国大陆 Fellow来自清华大学、北京大学、中国科学技术大学等机构。在新的名单中,我们看到了一些非常熟悉的名字:百度王海峰,北京大学田永鸿,西北工业大学韩军伟,中科院计算所山世光,电子科技大学申恒涛,王井东,谢幸,清华电子工程系系主任汪玉,华北电力大学毕天姝教授、成都理工大学黄琦教授、天津大学金建勋教授、刘添华教授、姚良忠教授等。热烈祝贺!

IEEE Fellow即IEEE会士,为协会最高等级会员,是该组织授予的最高荣誉,在学术科技界被认定为权威的荣誉和重要的职业成就,每年由同行专家在做出突出贡献的会员中评选,当选人数不超过IEEE会员总人数的0.1%。


Bo Ai

Beijing, China

for contributions to channel modeling and wireless communications in high-speed railways

Prof. Tianshu Bi

Beijing, China

for contributions to synchrophasor technology and protective relay applications

Prof. Ming Cao

Groningen, Netherlands

for contributions to multi-agent control systems for sensor, robotic and social networks

Prof. Wenquan Che

Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

for contributions to planar transmission line structures for microwave passive components

Dr. Jinjun Chen

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

for contributions to scalable architecture for cloud data storage and processing

Prof. Minghua Chen

Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

for contributions to delay-critical networked systems

Dr. Baoxing Chen

Westford, MA USA

for contributions to integrated signal-power isolation and integrated magnetics

Dr. Zhihong Chen

West Lafayette, IN USA

for contributions to the understanding and applications of low-dimensional nanomaterials

Prof. Hongsheng Chen

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

for contributions to electromagnetic metamaterial and invisibility cloak

Prof. Xinkai Chen

Saitama, Saitama, Japan

for contributions to nonlinear adaptive control and nonlinear observer design for mechatronic systems

Prof. Xiang Cheng

Beijing, China

for contributions to vehicular communication channel modeling and system design

Linglong Dai

Beijing, China

for contributions to massive MIMO

Lingling Fan

Tampa, FL USA

for contributions to stability analysis and control of inverter-based resources

Junlan Feng

Beijing, China

for leadership in spoken dialog applications, AI platform, and network intelligence

Prof. Xiaoming Fu

Goettingen, Niedersachsen, Germany

for contributions to resource management in edge computing and networking

Dr. Chuanxiong Guo

Bellevue, WA USA

for contributions to design of data center networking

Prof. Junwei Han

Xi'an, China

for contributions to visual saliency detection and image understanding

Sun-Yuan Hsieh

Tainan, Taiwan

for contributions to fault-tolerance for internet and cloud computing

Guohan Hu

Yorktown Heights, NY USA

for contributions to Spin-Transfer-Torque MRAM materials and devices

Qi Huang

Chengdu, Sichuan, China

for leadership in informatics for smart electric energy system

Prof. Yusheng Ji

Tokyo, Japan

for contribution to distributed computing in mobile and dynamic systems

Prof. Jian Xun Jin

Tianjin, China

for development of operational high-temperature superconducting power devices

Dr. Feifei Li

Salt Lake City, UT USA

for contributions to database query processing and optimization, and to cloud database systems

Qing Li

Kowloon, Hong Kong

for contributions to machine learning in multimedia, data mining and data warehousing

Prof. Zhijun Li

Shanghai, Shanghai China

for contributions to control systems for wearable robotics and bio-mechatronics

Prof. Keqiu Li

Tianjin, China

for contributions to resource-efficient and QoS-oriented cloud computing

Youfu Li Kowloon,

Hong Kong

for contributions to active visual sensing

Prof. Yingbin Liang

Dublin, OH USA

for contributions to information theoretic methods for wireless systems

Prof. Shih-Chii Liu Z

urich, Switzerland

for contributions to neuromorphic engineering

Prof. Tian-Hua Liu

Taipei, Taiwan

for contributions to sensorless control for AC drives

Ping Liu

Arlington, TX USA for contributions to permanent magnet research and magnetic nanoparticle synthesis and characterization

Shan Liu

San Jose, CA USA

for leadership in multimedia and multicore processors

Prof. David Lo

Singapore, Singapore

for contributions to software analytics

Dr. Hang-Ting Lue

Hsinchu, Taiwan

for contributions to charge-trapping memories and 3D NOR flash

Prof. Siwei Lyu

Buffalo, NY USA

for contributions to digital media forensic technologies

Prof. Zhuoqing Mao

Ann Arbor, MI USA

for contributions to performance and security of internet routing and mobile systems

Prof. GuoJun Qi

Bellevue, WA USA

for contributions to multimedia analysis and application

Dr. Haisheng Rong

Santa Clara, CA USA

for contributions to silicon photonics devices

Prof. Shiguang Shan

Haidian, Beijing, China

for contributions to visual signal processing and recognition

Prof. Heng Tao Shen

Chengdu, Sichuan, China

for contributions to multimedia content understanding and retrieval

Dr. Chuan Seng Tan

Singapore, Singapore

for contributions to wafer bonding technology for 3D packaging and integration

Prof. Yonghong Tian

Haidian, Beijing, China

for contributions to knowledge-based visual data analysis

Dr. Hanghang Tong

Champaign, IL USA

for contributions to graph mining

Dr. Jingdong Wang

Beijing, China

for contributions to visual content understanding and retrieval

Dr. Haifeng Wang

Beijing, China

for contributions and leadership in natural language processing and AI technologies

Jun Wang

Orlando, FL USA

for contributions to low power disk storage system design

Dr. Guiling Wang

Newark, NJ USA

for contributions to distributed algorithm design for sensor networks and vehicular networks

Dr. Yu Wang

Beijing, China

for contributions to domain specific accelerator design

Dr. Ping Wang

Toronto, ON Canada

for contributions to radio resource allocation and performance modeling of heterogeneous wireless networks

Qing Wang

University Park, PA USA

for contributions to polymer dielectrics for capacitive energy storage

Prof. Dongmei Wang

Atlanta, GA USA

for contributions to biomedical informatics and AI

Prof. Lei Wu

Hoboken, NJ USA

for contributions to stochastic modeling and optimization of power systems and large interdependent infrastructures

Dr. Xing Xie

Beijing, China

for contributions to spatial data mining and recommendation systems

Prof. Le Xie

College Station, TX USA

for contributions to economic and secure operations of power systems and big data analytics

Prof. Huili Helen Xing

Ithaca, NY USA

for contributions to GaN high-electron-mobility transistors

Prof. Li Xiong

Atlanta, GA USA

for contributions to privacy preserving and secure data sharing

Ying Xu

Athens, GA USA

for contributions to knowledge discovery from biological data

Dr. Ruqiang Yan

Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

for contributions to defect/fault detection and diagnosis of rotating machines

Dr. Zheng Yang

Beijing, China

for contributions to wireless localization and sensing

Dr. Guang-Hong Yang

Shenyang, Liaoning, China

for contributions to fault tolerant control of dynamical systems

Dr. Zhiping Yang

Campbell, CA USA

for contributions to signal and power integrity in high-performance data center electronics

Ruigang Yang

Lexington, KY USA

for contributions to 3D computer vision and autonomous driving

Prof. Chunhua Yang

Changsha, Hunan, China

for contributions in intelligent control and optimization of complex industrial processes

Prof. Jianhua Yang

Los Angeles, CA USA

for contributions to resistive switching materials in memory and neuromorphic computing

Prof. Liangzhong Yao

Wuhan, Hubei, China

for leadership in HVDC grid supporting integration of large wind farms

Dr. Xiaoning Ye

Portland, OR USA

for contributions to high-speed interconnect design, optimization, and measurement methods

Prof. Lei Ying

Ann Arbor, MI USA

for contributions to resource allocation in cloud computing systems and wireless networks

Prof. Jiguo Yu

Jinan, Shandong, China

for contributions to data storage and processing in cloud and social environments

Prof. Xiuyin Zhang

Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

for contributions to the design of filtering antennas

Dr. Jun Zhang

Sai Kung, Hong Kong

for contributions to dense wireless networks

Dr. Liang Zhang

Ottawa, ON Canada

for contributions to non-orthogonal multiplexing technology in terrestrial broadcast and broadband systems

Prof. Guoying Zhao

Oulu, Finland

for contributions to facial expression analysis and feature representation

Dr. Yefeng Zheng

Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

for contributions to machine learning for medical imaging

Zhangdui Zhong

Beijing, China

for contributions to theory, technology and development of mobile communications for railways

Prof. Anding Zhu

Dublin, Ireland

for contributions to behavioral modeling and digital predistortion of RF power amplifiers

Dr. Jiang Zhu

Cupertino, CA USA

for contributions to antenna design for wireless communications



IEEE的全称是Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(国际电气与电子工程师协会),它是一个国际性的电子技术与信息科学工程师的协会,IEEE是当今世界电子、电气、计算机、通信、自动化工程技术研究领域最著名、规模最大的非营利性跨国学术组织。建会于1963年1月1日。总部在美国纽约市。在160多个国家和地区中拥有40多万会员和39个专业分会,是信息技术领域最重要的创新驱动源之一。其各专业分会的出版物是国际上最具权威性的学术刊物,是各国电子电气领域科学家和学者发表最新研究成果的首选之一。在电气及电子工程、计算机及控制技术领域中,IEEE发表的文献占了全球将近1/3。
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