We present a search-based planning algorithm to sort objects in clutter using a multi-robot team. We consider the object rearrangement problem in which the objects must be sorted into different groups in a particular order. In clutter, the order constraints could not be easily satisfied since some objects occlude other objects. Those objects occluding others need to be moved more than once to make the occluded objects accessible. This nonmonotone class of the rearrangement prob- lem with order constraints becomes harder if multiple robots are involved, which practically mandates proper computations of robot allocations. The proposed method first finds a sequence of objects to be sorted using a search such that the order constraint in each group is satisfied. The search can solve nonmonotone instances that require temporal relocation of some objects to access the next object to be sorted. Once a complete sorting sequence is found, the objects in the sequence are assigned to multiple mobile manipulators using a greedy allocation method. We develop four versions of the method with different search strategies. In the experiments, we show that our method can find a sorting sequence quickly (e.g., 4.6 sec with 20 objects sorted into five groups) even though the solved instances include hard nonmonotone ones. The extensive tests and the experiments in simulation show the ability of the method to solve the real-world sorting problem using multiple mobile manipulators.
翻译:我们提出一种基于搜索的规划算法, 使用多机器人团队在杂乱中对对象进行分类。 我们考虑对象重新排列问题, 必须在其中按特定顺序将对象分解为不同的组别。 在混乱中, 命令限制无法轻易满足, 因为有些对象会分解其他对象。 这些对象将其他对象混合起来, 需要移动不止一次才能使隐蔽对象无障碍。 如果涉及多个机器人, 则该非monoone类的有秩序限制的重新排列方法会变得更困难, 实际上这要求正确计算机器人分配。 拟议的方法首先会找到一个对象序列, 需要通过搜索来分解每个组的顺序。 搜索可以解决需要某些对象临时移位才能访问下一个对象的非分子情况。 一旦找到完整的排序序列, 序列中的对象会被指派给多个移动操纵者, 使用贪婪的分配方法。 我们用不同的搜索策略开发了四种版本 方法。 在实验中, 我们显示我们的方法可以找到一个可以快速排序的物体序列, 以便每个组都满足顺序的顺序 。 但是, 也可以将一个硬的模型排序方法 。