A Private Information Retrieval (PIR) scheme allows users to retrieve data from a database without disclosing to the server information about the identity of the data retrieved. A coded storage in a distributed storage system with colluding servers is considered in this work, namely the approach in [$t$-private information retrieval schemes using transitive codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 2107-2118, 2019] which considers an storage and retrieval code with a transitive group and provides binary PIR schemes with the highest possible rate. Reed-Muller codes were considered in [$t$-private information retrieval schemes using transitive codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 2107-2118, 2019], cyclic codes are considered in this work since they have a transitive group and can be defined over a binary field as well. We show that binary PIR schemes provide a larger constellation of PIR parameters and they outperform the ones coming from Reed-Muller codes in some cases.
翻译:私自信息检索(PIR)计划允许用户从数据库中检索数据,而不向服务器披露所检索数据的身份信息。在这项工作中,考虑在分布式存储系统中与串通服务器的编码存储系统,即使用中转代码的[美元-私人信息检索计划,IEE Trans.Inform. Theory, vol. 65, No.4, pp.2107-2118, 2019]中的方法,该方法考虑与中转组一起的存储和检索代码,并提供双向PIR计划,其可能的比率最高。在[使用中转代码的美元-私人信息检索计划,IEEETranser.通知,Theory, vol. 65, no.4, pp.2107-2118, 2019]中,该方法考虑循环代码,因为它们有一个中转组合,也可以在一个二进域中定义。我们表明,二进PIR计划提供了更大的PIR参数群集,在某些案例中,它们超越了Red-Muler码产生的参数。