Given univariate random variables $Y_1, \ldots, Y_n$ with the $\text{Uniform}(\theta_0 - 1, \theta_0 + 1)$ distribution, the sample midrange $\frac{Y_{(n)}+Y_{(1)}}{2}$ is the MLE for $\theta_0$ and estimates $\theta_0$ with error of order $1/n$, which is much smaller compared with the $1/\sqrt{n}$ error rate of the usual sample mean estimator. However, the sample midrange performs poorly when the data has say the Gaussian $N(\theta_0, 1)$ distribution, with an error rate of $1/\sqrt{\log n}$. In this paper, we propose an estimator of the location $\theta_0$ with a rate of convergence that can, in many settings, adapt to the underlying distribution which we assume to be symmetric around $\theta_0$ but is otherwise unknown. When the underlying distribution is compactly supported, we show that our estimator attains a rate of convergence of $n^{-\frac{1}{\alpha}}$ up to polylog factors, where the rate parameter $\alpha$ can take on any value in $(0, 2]$ and depends on the moments of the underlying distribution. Our estimator is formed by the $\ell^\gamma$-center of the data, for a $\gamma\geq2$ chosen in a data-driven way -- by minimizing a criterion motivated by the asymptotic variance. Our approach can be directly applied to the regression setting where $\theta_0$ is a function of observed features and motivates the use of $\ell^\gamma$ loss function for $\gamma > 2$ in certain settings.
翻译:以univariate 随机变量$Y_1,\ldots, Y_n$美元与通常样本平均估量器 $\ text{Unifor} (\theta_0_0-1,\theta_0+1美元分布) 计算, 样本中间值$\frac{Y\\\\\\(n){Y\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\<unk> (1)\\\\\\\\2}美元为MLLE$, 以美元为单位, 与美元/ sqrt{n} 相比, 低得多。 然而, 当数据显示高点$(\\\\\\ ta_0, 1美元) 时, 样本中间值运行不善差差差差差差差差差差, 当基本分配值1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 美元时, 美元 maqrmal dloral madeal 运值的计算法中, 以美元表示l=l=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlllxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 。 当基本分配率值的计算法的计算法的计算法的计算法的计算法的计算法在精确法中, 或xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</s>