We consider the fundamental problems of size discovery and topology recognition in radio networks modeled by simple undirected connected graphs. Size discovery calls for all nodes to output the number of nodes in the graph, called its size, and in the task of topology recognition each node has to learn the topology of the graph and its position in it. In radio networks, nodes communicate in synchronous rounds and start in the same round. In each round a node can either transmit the same message to all its neighbors, or stay silent and listen. At the receiving end, a node $v$ hears a message from a neighbor $w$ in a given round, if $v$ listens in this round, and if $w$ is its only neighbor that transmits in this round. If more than one neighbor of a node $v$ transmits in a given round, there is a collision at $v$. We do not assume collision detection: in case of a collision, node $v$ does not hear anything. The time of a deterministic algorithm for each of the above problems is the worst-case number of rounds it takes to solve it. Our goal is to construct short labeling schemes for size discovery and topology recognition in arbitrary radio networks, and to design efficient deterministic algorithms using these schemes. For size discovery, we construct a labeling scheme of length $O(\log\log\Delta)$ and we design an algorithm for this problem using this scheme and working in time $O(\log^2 n)$, where $n$ is the size of the graph. We also show that time complexity $O(\log^2 n)$ is optimal for the problem of size discovery, whenever the labeling scheme is of optimal length. For topology recognition, we construct a labeling scheme of length $O(\log\Delta)$, and we design an algorithm for this problem using this scheme working in time $O\left(D\Delta+\min(\Delta^2,n)\right)$. We also show that the length of our labeling scheme is asymptotically optimal.
翻译:我们考虑无线电网络中的大小发现和表层识别的根本问题( 以简单的非方向连接图形模式建模的无线电网络中的大小发现和表层识别。 大小发现需要所有节点来输出图形中的节点数量, 称为其大小, 在表层识别任务中, 每个节点必须学习图形的表层及其位置。 在无线电网络中, 节点以同步的回合进行通信, 并在同一回合中开始。 在每一回合中, 一个节点可以将相同的电文传递给所有邻居, 或者保持静态和听力。 在接收结束时, 一个点点点点会听到来自某回合中邻居$w$的讯息, 如果 $w$ 听到这个圆的节点数量, 如果每个节点的节点是这个圆形中的节点, $=== 美元, 节点的节点会显示我们最坏的 美元 数字 的计算方法 。 我们用最短的数字 = 的轨道的计算方法 。