NISQ devices have several physical limitations and unavoidable noisy quantum operations, and only small circuits can be executed on a quantum machine to get reliable results. This leads to the quantum hardware under-utilization issue. Here, we address this problem and improve the quantum hardware throughput by proposing a Quantum Multi-programming Compiler (QuMC) to execute multiple quantum circuits on quantum hardware simultaneously. This approach can also reduce the total runtime of circuits. We first introduce a parallelism manager to select an appropriate number of circuits to be executed at the same time. Second, we present two different qubit partitioning algorithms to allocate reliable partitions to multiple circuits - a greedy and a heuristic. Third, we use the Simultaneous Randomized Benchmarking protocol to characterize the crosstalk properties and consider them in the qubit partition process to avoid the crosstalk effect during simultaneous executions. Finally, we enhance the mapping transition algorithm to make circuits executable on hardware using a decreased number of inserted gates. We demonstrate the performance of our QuMC approach by executing circuits of different sizes on IBM quantum hardware simultaneously. We also investigate this method on VQE algorithm to reduce its overhead.
翻译:NISQ 装置有若干物理限制和不可避免的噪音量子操作,只有小电路可以在量子机器上执行,以获得可靠的结果。这导致了量子硬件利用不足问题。在这里,我们通过同时提议一个量子多程序编译器(QuMC)来解决这个问题并改进量子硬件的量子输送量子输送量,同时在量子硬件上执行多个量子电路。这个方法还可以减少电路的总运行时间。我们首先引入一个平行管理器来选择适当数量的电路,同时执行。第二,我们提出两种不同的量子分离算法,为多个电路分配可靠的分区——贪婪和超重。第三,我们使用同量随机定定标定程序来描述交叉跟踪属性,并在Qpit 分区过程中考虑它们,以避免同时执行时的交互对话效果。最后,我们加强绘图过渡算法,使硬件能够使用较少的插入门进行电路路。我们通过在IBM Q 上执行不同尺寸的电路路程来显示我们的QMC 方法的性能。我们同时调查这个方法。