We introduce trimmed NURBS surfaces with accurate boundary control, briefly called ABC-surfaces, as a solution to the notorious problem of constructing watertight or smooth ($G^1$ and $G^2)$ multi-patch surfaces within the function range of standard CAD/CAM systems and the associated file exchange formats. Our construction is based on the appropriate blend of a base surface, which traces out the intended global shape, and a series of reparametrized ribbons, which dominate the shape near the boundary.
翻译:我们引入了精密的NURBS表面,具有准确的边界控制,简称ABC表面,以解决在标准 CAD/CAM系统和相关文件交换格式功能范围内建造水密或光滑的臭名昭著问题(G$1美元和$G$2美元),我们建筑的基础是适当的基面混合,它可以追踪预期的全球形状,以及一系列重新修复的丝带,在边界附近的形状上占主导地位。