Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) has achieved unprecedented view synthesis quality using coordinate-based neural scene representations. However, NeRF's view dependency can only handle simple reflections like highlights but cannot deal with complex reflections such as those from glass and mirrors. In these scenarios, NeRF models the virtual image as real geometries which leads to inaccurate depth estimation, and produces blurry renderings when the multi-view consistency is violated as the reflected objects may only be seen under some of the viewpoints. To overcome these issues, we introduce NeRFReN, which is built upon NeRF to model scenes with reflections. Specifically, we propose to split a scene into transmitted and reflected components, and model the two components with separate neural radiance fields. Considering that this decomposition is highly under-constrained, we exploit geometric priors and apply carefully-designed training strategies to achieve reasonable decomposition results. Experiments on various self-captured scenes show that our method achieves high-quality novel view synthesis and physically sound depth estimation results while enabling scene editing applications. Code and data will be released.
翻译:神经辐射场( NeRF) 利用基于协调的神经场景演示实现了前所未有的综合合成质量。 然而, NeRF 的视觉依赖性只能处理像亮点这样的简单反射,而不能处理玻璃和镜子等复杂反射。 在这些情景中, NeRF 将虚拟图像模型作为真实的地理特征,导致深度估计不准确,并在多视图一致性被破坏时产生模糊的图像,因为反射对象只能在某些角度下才能看到。 为了克服这些问题,我们引入了以 NeRF 为基础的 NeRFReN, 以反射为场景模型。 具体地说,我们提议将一个场景分为传输和反射组件,并将两个组件建成不同的神经光场。考虑到这种分解高度松散,我们利用了地理学前期,并运用精心设计的训练战略来取得合理的分解结果。 对各种自我发现的场景进行实验表明,我们的方法在进行现场编辑应用时,将获得高质量的新颖的合成和物理准确的深度估计结果。