Many recent literary works have leveraged generative adversarial networks (GANs) to spawn unseen evasion samples. The purpose is to annex the generated data with the original train set for adversarial training to improve the detection performance of machine learning (ML) classifiers. The quality of generating adversarial samples relies on the adequacy of training data samples. However, in low data regimes like medical anomaly detection, drug discovery and cybersecurity, the attack samples are scarce in number. This paper proposes a novel GAN design called Evasion Generative Adversarial Network (EVAGAN) that is more suitable for low data regime problems that use oversampling for detection improvement of ML classifiers. EVAGAN not only can generate evasion samples, but its discriminator can act as an evasion aware classifier. We have considered Auxiliary Classifier GAN (ACGAN) as a benchmark to evaluate the performance of EVAGAN on cybersecurity (ISCX-2014, CIC-2017 and CIC2018) botnet and CV (MNIST) datasets. We demonstrate that EVAGAN outperforms ACGAN for unbalanced datasets with respect to detection performance, training stability, time complexity. EVAGAN's generator quickly learns to generate the low sample class and hardens its discriminator simultaneously. In contrast to ML classifiers that require security hardening after being adversarially trained by GAN generated data, EVAGAN renders it needless. The experimental analysis proves EVAGAN to be an efficient evasion hardened model for low data regimes in cybersecurity and CV. Code will be available at
翻译:许多近期的文学作品利用了基因对抗网络(GANs)来生成逃避的样本。目的是将生成的数据与最初的对抗性训练列列列列列的原始列车合在一起,以提高机器学习(ML)分类者的检测性能。生成对抗性抽样的质量取决于培训数据样本的充足性。然而,在医疗异常检测、药物发现和网络安全等低数据系统中,攻击样品数量很少。本文件建议采用一种新型的GAN设计,称为Evasion General Adversarial网络(EVAGAN),它更适合使用过度抽样来改进ML分类者的检测性能的低数据系统问题。 EVAGAN不仅可以生成逃避性样本,而且其导师也可以作为逃避性能分析者。我们认为,ARCAAN(ACAN)作为评估网络安全性能的基准(ISX-2014、CIC-2017和CIC2018模型)和CV(MIC)。我们表明,EVAN的低性能超越AGGGGG(CG)系统, 快速地进行测测测算。CAAL 需要通过经的精确的DNA变压数据分析。CAG(CAG) 并同时进行测测测测测测测测测测测。