We study the online maximum coverage problem on a line, in which, given an online sequence of sub-intervals (which may intersect among each other) of a target large interval and an integer $k$, we aim to select at most $k$ of the sub-intervals such that the total covered length of the target interval is maximized. The decision to accept or reject each sub-interval is made immediately and irrevocably (no preemption) right at the release timestamp of the sub-interval. We comprehensively study different settings of this problem regarding both the length of a released sub-interval and the total number of released sub-intervals. We first present lower bounds on the competitive ratio for the settings concerned in this paper, respectively. For the offline problem where the sequence of all the released sub-intervals is known in advance to the decision-maker, we propose a dynamic-programming-based optimal approach as the benchmark. For the online problem, we first propose a single-threshold-based deterministic algorithm SOA by adding a sub-interval if the added length exceeds a certain threshold, achieving competitive ratios close to the lower bounds, respectively. Then, we extend to a double-thresholds-based algorithm DOA, by using the first threshold for exploration and the second threshold (larger than the first one) for exploitation. With the two thresholds solved by our proposed program, we show that DOA improves SOA in the worst-case performance. Moreover, we prove that a deterministic algorithm that accepts sub-intervals by multi non-increasing thresholds cannot outperform even SOA.
翻译:我们研究线上的在线最大覆盖问题,在线上,鉴于一个大间隔和整美元的目标子中间值的在线分数序列(可能相互交叉),一个大间隔和整数美元,我们的目标是在子中间值中选择最多为美元,以便目标间隔的总覆盖长度最大化。在次中间值的发布时间戳处,立即作出接受或拒绝每个子中间值的决定(不得先验)右键。我们全面研究这个问题的不同设置,即一个释放的次中间值长度和释放的次中间值的总数。我们首先对本文所涉环境的竞争性比率提出较低的界限。对于离线问题,即所有释放的次中间值的顺序在决策者之前就已经知道,我们建议以动态预测为基础的最佳方法作为基准。对于在线问题,我们首先建议采用基于单一的确定性算法SOA, 以第一个次中间值为基础增加一个子中间值值值,如果一个次中间值的次中间值比标值更低,则用一个更低的数值来证明我们所增加的SOO;对于一个以更低的数值表示,我们所增加的数值的数值的数值的数值的数值在最后的数值中可以达到一个基值的数值的数值的数值的数值的数值的数值的数值, 。