With technological advances leading to an increase in mechanisms for image tampering, fraud detection methods must continue to be upgraded to match their sophistication. One problem with current methods is that they require prior knowledge of the method of forgery in order to determine which features to extract from the image to localize the region of interest. When a machine learning algorithm is used to learn different types of tampering from a large set of various image types, with a large enough database we can easily classify which images are tampered. However, we still are left with the question of which features to train on, and how to localize the manipulation. In this work, deep learning for object detection is adapted to tampering detection to solve these two problems, while fusing features from multiple classic techniques for improved accuracy. A Multi-stream version of the Faster RCNN network will be employed with the second stream having an input of the element-wise sum of the ELA and BAG error maps to provide even higher accuracy than a single stream alone.