We study two influential voting rules proposed in the 1890s by Phragm\'en and Thiele, which elect a committee or parliament of k candidates which proportionally represents the voters. Voters provide their preferences by approving an arbitrary number of candidates. Previous work has proposed proportionality axioms satisfied by Thiele's rule (now known as Proportional Approval Voting, PAV) but not by Phragm\'en's rule. By proposing two new proportionality axioms (laminar proportionality and priceability) satisfied by Phragm\'en but not Thiele, we show that the two rules achieve two distinct forms of proportional representation. Phragm\'en's rule ensures that all voters have a similar amount of influence on the committee, and Thiele's rule ensures a fair utility distribution. Thiele's rule is a welfarist voting rule (one that maximizes a function of voter utilities). We show that no welfarist rule can satisfy our new axioms, and we prove that no such rule can satisfy the core. Conversely, some welfarist fairness properties cannot be guaranteed by Phragm\'en-type rules. This formalizes the difference between the two types of proportionality. We then introduce an attractive committee rule, the Method of Equal Shares, which satisfies a property intermediate between the core and extended justified representation (EJR). It satisfies laminar proportionality, priceability, and is computable in polynomial time. We show that our new rule provides a logarithmic approximation to the core. On the other hand, PAV provides a factor-2 approximation to the core, and this factor is optimal for rules that are fair in the sense of the Pigou--Dalton principle.
翻译:我们研究了1890年代Phragm\'en和Thiele提出的两个有影响力的投票规则,他们选举了一个委员会或议会,由按比例代表选民的K候选人组成。选民通过任意批准候选人数目来提供他们的偏好。以前的工作提出了符合Thiele规则(现称为比例批准投票,PAV)的相称性原则,而不是Phragm\'en的规则。我们提出两种新的比例性原则(比例和价格),由Phragno\'en提出,而不是Thiele,这表明这两种规则具有两种不同的比例代表形式。相反,Phragm\\'en的规则确保所有选民对委员会具有类似的影响力,Thieele的规则确保公平的公用事业分配。Thiele的规则是一条湿法投票规则(一个最大限度提高选民公用事业功能的功能 ) 。我们表明,任何西方规则都不能满足我们新的比例原则,而我们证明这样的规则不能满足核心。相反,一些湿法公正性原则不能通过Pragmalal-alal rual规则来保证中间的公平性规则的相似性, 规则在我们现在的汇率规则类型中可以正式确定一个核心。