A {\em universal 1-bit compressive sensing (CS)} scheme consists of a measurement matrix $A$ such that all signals $x$ belonging to a particular class can be approximately recovered from $\textrm{sign}(Ax)$. 1-bit CS models extreme quantization effects where only one bit of information is revealed per measurement. We focus on universal support recovery for 1-bit CS in the case of {\em sparse} signals with bounded {\em dynamic range}. Specifically, a vector $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ is said to have sparsity $k$ if it has at most $k$ nonzero entries, and dynamic range $R$ if the ratio between its largest and smallest nonzero entries is at most $R$ in magnitude. Our main result shows that if the entries of the measurement matrix $A$ are i.i.d.~Gaussians, then under mild assumptions on the scaling of $k$ and $R$, the number of measurements needs to be $\tilde{\Omega}(Rk^{3/2})$ to recover the support of $k$-sparse signals with dynamic range $R$ using $1$-bit CS. In addition, we show that a near-matching $O(R k^{3/2} \log n)$ upper bound follows as a simple corollary of known results. The $k^{3/2}$ scaling contrasts with the known lower bound of $\tilde{\Omega}(k^2 \log n)$ for the number of measurements to recover the support of arbitrary $k$-sparse signals.