This paper describes the experimental framework and results of the IJCB 2022 Mobile Behavioral Biometrics Competition (MobileB2C). The aim of MobileB2C is benchmarking mobile user authentication systems based on behavioral biometric traits transparently acquired by mobile devices during ordinary Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), using a novel public database, BehavePassDB, and a standard experimental protocol. The competition is divided into four tasks corresponding to typical user activities: keystroke, text reading, gallery swiping, and tapping. The data are composed of touchscreen data and several background sensor data simultaneously acquired. "Random" (different users with different devices) and "skilled" (different user on the same device attempting to imitate the legitimate one) impostor scenarios are considered. The results achieved by the participants show the feasibility of user authentication through behavioral biometrics, although this proves to be a non-trivial challenge. MobileB2C will be established as an on-going competition.
翻译:本文介绍了IJCB 2022移动行为生物测定竞赛(MobileB2C)的实验框架和结果。 MobileB2C的目的是利用一个新的公共数据库BehavePassDB和标准实验协议,根据普通人类-计算机互动(HCI)期间移动设备透明地获得的行为生物鉴别特征,对移动用户认证系统进行基准测试。竞争分为与典型用户活动相对应的四项任务:键盘、文字阅读、画廊擦拭和敲击。数据由触摸屏数据和同时获得的若干背景感官数据组成。“Random”(不同装置的不同用户)和“熟练”(试图模仿合法装置的不同用户)假冒情景。与会者取得的成果显示了通过行为生物鉴别技术进行用户认证的可行性,尽管这证明是一个非三重挑战。移动B2C将作为持续竞争建立起来。