Sequential recommendation plays an increasingly important role in many e-commerce services such as display advertisement and online shopping. With the rapid development of these services in the last two decades, users have accumulated a massive amount of behavior data. Richer sequential behavior data has been proven to be of great value for sequential recommendation. However, traditional sequential models fail to handle users' lifelong sequences, as their linear computational and storage cost prohibits them from performing online inference. Recently, lifelong sequential modeling methods that borrow the idea of memory networks from NLP are proposed to address this issue. However, the RNN-based memory networks built upon intrinsically suffer from the inability to capture long-term dependencies and may instead be overwhelmed by the noise on extremely long behavior sequences. In addition, as the user's behavior sequence gets longer, more interests would be demonstrated in it. It is therefore crucial to model and capture the diverse interests of users. In order to tackle these issues, we propose a novel lifelong incremental multi-interest self attention based sequential recommendation model, namely LimaRec. Our proposed method benefits from the carefully designed self-attention to identify relevant information from users' behavior sequences with different interests. It is still able to incrementally update users' representations for online inference, similarly to memory network based approaches. We extensively evaluate our method on four real-world datasets and demonstrate its superior performances compared to the state-of-the-art baselines.
翻译:序列建议在许多电子商务服务,例如显示广告和网上购物中发挥着越来越重要的作用。 在过去二十年中,随着这些服务的迅速发展,用户积累了大量的行为数据。较丰富的连续行为数据已证明对顺序建议具有巨大价值。然而,传统的顺序模式未能处理用户的终身序列,因为其线性计算和储存成本禁止用户进行在线推断。最近,为了解决这一问题,提议了借用NLP的记忆网络概念的终身顺序建模方法。然而,在过去二十年中,基于RNN的记忆网络因无法捕捉长期依赖性而内在地受到影响,而可能因极长的行为序列上的噪音而不堪重负。此外,随着用户行为序列的延长,将有更多的利益在其中表现出来。因此,对于模拟和捕捉用户的不同兴趣,这些用户的模型至关重要。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一个新的基于顺序建议的终身递增的多利害自我关注模式,即LimaRec。我们提出的方法得益于精心设计的自我保存方法,从用户的相关信息无法捕捉取长期依赖性,而不能被超长的行为序列上的噪音压过。此外,我们提出的方法也能够从用户对基于网络的不断升级的数据进行升级的升级的升级的基线到以显示。