Federated learning (FL) is a popular technique to train machine learning (ML) models with decentralized data. Extensive works have studied the performance of the global model; however, it is still unclear how the training process affects the final test accuracy. Exacerbating this problem is the fact that FL executions differ significantly from traditional ML with heterogeneous data characteristics across clients, involving more hyperparameters. In this work, we show that the final test accuracy of FL is dramatically affected by the early phase of the training process, i.e., FL exhibits critical learning periods, in which small gradient errors can have irrecoverable impact on the final test accuracy. To further explain this phenomenon, we generalize the trace of the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) to FL and define a new notion called FedFIM, a quantity reflecting the local curvature of each clients from the beginning of the training in FL. Our findings suggest that the {\em initial learning phase} plays a critical role in understanding the FL performance. This is in contrast to many existing works which generally do not connect the final accuracy of FL to the early phase training. Finally, seizing critical learning periods in FL is of independent interest and could be useful for other problems such as the choices of hyperparameters such as the number of client selected per round, batch size, and more, so as to improve the performance of FL training and testing.
翻译:联邦学习(FL)是用分散数据培训机器学习(ML)模型的流行技术。广泛的工程研究了全球模型的性能;然而,培训过程如何影响最后测试准确性仍不清楚;这一问题的加剧是,FL处决与传统的ML差别很大,客户的数据特点各异,涉及更多的超参数。在这项工作中,我们表明FL的最后测试准确性受到培训过程早期阶段的严重影响,即FL展示关键学习期,其中小梯度错误可能对最终测试准确性产生无法弥补的影响。为了进一步解释这一现象,我们将Ferish信息矩阵(FIM)的踪迹推广到FL,并界定一个新的概念,即FFFIM,这是反映每个客户从FL培训开始就具有的本地曲线。 我们的研究结果表明,FL的初始学习阶段在理解FL绩效方面发挥着关键的作用。 与许多现有的工程相比,这些工程通常不会将FL的最后准确性对最终测试的准确性与FL早期培训产生无法弥补的影响。 最后,为了进一步解释这种现象,我们将FI信息矩阵的追踪到FM的关键性学习阶段,因此,每个客户对FM的学习阶段的兴趣可以提高。