Sentences containing definite descriptions, expressions of the form `The $F$', can be formalised using a binary quantifier $\iota$ that forms a formula out of two predicates, where $\iota x[F, G]$ is read as `The $F$ is $G$'. This is an innovation over the usual formalisation of definite descriptions with a term forming operator. The present paper compares the two approaches. After a brief overview of the system $\mathbf{INF}^\iota$ of intuitionist negative free logic extended by such a quantifier, which was presented in \citep{kurbisiotaI}, $\mathbf{INF}^\iota$ is first compared to a system of Tennant's and an axiomatic treatment of a term forming $\iota$ operator within intuitionist negative free logic. Both systems are shown to be equivalent to the subsystem of $\mathbf{INF}^\iota$ in which the $G$ of $\iota x[F, G]$ is restricted to identity. $\mathbf{INF}^\iota$ is then compared to an intuitionist version of a system of Lambert's which in addition to the term forming operator has an operator for predicate abstraction for indicating scope distinctions. The two systems will be shown to be equivalent through a translation between their respective languages. Advantages of the present approach over the alternatives are indicated in the discussion.
翻译:含有明确描述的句子, “ $F$ ” 的表达方式, 可以用一个二进制的量化方 $\ oota$来正式化, 该量化方在两种前提中形成公式, 即 $\ iota x[F, G$ 被解读为“$F$ $ $ $ G$ $ $ $ $ G$ ” 。 这是一种创新, 而不是通常用一个术语来正式化明确描述“ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ” 。 本文比较了两种方法。 在简单概述“ $\ mathbf{ INF $ ” 的系统后, 由这样一个量化方的量化方 $$\ $ [F, kurbismotomissions, $\\\\ INF $ lections a lablistal descritional pressional pression prettystemal prettystemal pressal press pressal prettilation prettendal press prettendal press press prettendations 。 将两个系统显示, 将显示为“ listal________ lifffxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx = = == = = = = = == = = = = = = 直立端的翻译。