Researchers of temporal networks (e.g., social networks and transaction networks) have been interested in mining dynamic patterns of nodes from their diverse interactions. Inspired by recently powerful graph mining methods like skip-gram models and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), existing approaches focus on generating temporal node embeddings sequentially with nodes' sequential interactions. However, the sequential modeling of previous approaches cannot handle the transition structure between nodes' neighbors with limited memorization capacity. Detailedly, an effective method for the transition structures is required to both model nodes' personalized patterns adaptively and capture node dynamics accordingly. In this paper, we propose a method, namely Transition Propagation Graph Neural Networks (TIP-GNN), to tackle the challenges of encoding nodes' transition structures. The proposed TIP-GNN focuses on the bilevel graph structure in temporal networks: besides the explicit interaction graph, a node's sequential interactions can also be constructed as a transition graph. Based on the bilevel graph, TIP-GNN further encodes transition structures by multi-step transition propagation and distills information from neighborhoods by a bilevel graph convolution. Experimental results over various temporal networks reveal the efficiency of our TIP-GNN, with at most 7.2\% improvements of accuracy on temporal link prediction. Extensive ablation studies further verify the effectiveness and limitations of the transition propagation module. Our code is available at \url{}.
翻译:时变网络的研究者一直对如何从节点的多样交互中挖掘动态模式感兴趣,例如社交网络和交易网络。近期,由于强大的图挖掘方法如skip-gram模型和图神经网络(GNNs),现有的方法集中于使用节点的顺序交互逐步生成时态节点嵌入。然而,先前方法的顺序建模不能处理邻居节点的转移结构并具有有限的记忆容量。具体地说,需要一种有效的方法来处理转移结构,以便能够适应性地建模节点的个性化模式并相应地捕捉节点动态。本文提出了一种称为转移传播图神经网络(TIP-GNN)的方法来应对编码节点转移结构的挑战。所提出的TIP-GNN专注于时变网络中的双层图结构:除了显式交互图外,节点的顺序交互也可以构建为转移图。基于双层图,TIP-GNN通过多步转移传播来进一步编码转移结构,并通过双层图卷积从近邻提取信息。在各种时变网络上的实验结果显示了我们TIP-GNN的效率,在时态链路预测的准确性上最多提高7.2\%。广泛的削减研究进一步验证了转移传播模块的有效性和局限性。我们的代码可在 \url{} 找到。