Finding a parking space nowadays becomes an issue that is not to be neglected, it consumes time and energy. We have used computer vision techniques to infer the state of the parking lot given the data collected from the University of The Witwatersrand. This paper presents an approach for a real-time parking space classification based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) using Caffe and Nvidia DiGITS framework. The training process has been done using DiGITS and the output is a caffemodel used for predictions to detect vacant and occupied parking spots. The system checks a defined area whether a parking spot (bounding boxes defined at initialization of the system) is containing a car or not (occupied or vacant). Those bounding box coordinates are saved from a frame of the video of the parking lot in a JSON format, to be later used by the system for sequential prediction on each parking spot. The system has been trained using the LeNet network with the Nesterov Accelerated Gradient as solver and the AlexNet network with the Stochastic Gradient Descent as solver. We were able to get an accuracy on the validation set of 99\% for both networks. The accuracy on a foreign dataset(PKLot) returned as well 99\%. Those are experimental results based on the training set shows how robust the system can be when the prediction has to take place in a different parking space.
翻译:寻找当前停车空间是一个不容忽视的问题,它消耗时间和精力。我们使用计算机视觉技术来根据Witwatersrand大学收集的数据推断停车场的状况。本文介绍了使用Cafe和Nvidia DiGITS框架利用Caffe和Nvidia DiGITS框架根据 Convolual神经网络进行实时停车空间分类的方法。培训过程是使用DiGITS完成的,产出是用于预测探测空置和占用泊位的咖啡模型。系统检查一个固定的停车点(系统初始化时定义的停放箱)是否包含汽车(使用或空置)。这些捆绑箱坐标从Json格式的停车场视频框中保存下来,供系统对每个泊位进行连续预测。该系统已经使用LeNet网络进行了培训,用Nesterov 加速梯度作为解析器,用AlexNet网络与Stochatic Gradidlefounder作为解决方案的解答器。我们得以在99号空间预测系统上获得精确度的精确度,这些定位系统在99-LO的精确度上又恢复了这些定位。