This paper introduces the award-winning deep learning (DL) library called LibAUC for implementing state-of-the-art algorithms towards optimizing a family of risk functions named X-risks. X-risks refer to a family of compositional functions in which the loss function of each data point is defined in a way that contrasts the data point with a large number of others. They have broad applications in AI for solving classical and emerging problems, including but not limited to classification for imbalanced data (CID), learning to rank (LTR), and contrastive learning of representations (CLR). The motivation of developing LibAUC is to address the convergence issues of existing libraries for solving these problems. In particular, existing libraries may not converge or require very large mini-batch sizes in order to attain good performance for these problems, due to the usage of the standard mini-batch technique in the empirical risk minimization (ERM) framework. Our library is for deep X-risk optimization (DXO) that has achieved great success in solving a variety of tasks for CID, LTR and CLR. The contributions of this paper include: (1) It introduces a new mini-batch based pipeline for implementing DXO algorithms, which differs from existing DL pipeline in the design of controlled data samplers and dynamic mini-batch losses; (2) It provides extensive benchmarking experiments for ablation studies and comparison with existing libraries. The LibAUC library features scalable performance for millions of items to be contrasted, faster and better convergence than existing libraries for optimizing X-risks, seamless PyTorch deployment and versatile APIs for various loss optimization. Our library is available to the open source community at, to facilitate further academic research and industrial applications.