A novel rate splitting space division multiple access (SDMA) scheme based on grouped code index modulation (GrCIM) is proposed for the sixth generation (6G) downlink transmission. The proposed RSMA-GrCIM scheme transmits information to multiple user equipments (UEs) through the space division multiple access (SDMA) technique, and exploits code index modulation for rate splitting. Since the CIM scheme conveys information bits via the index of the selected Walsh code and binary phase shift keying (BPSK) signal, our RSMA scheme transmits the private messages of each user through the indices, and the common messages via the BPSK signal. Moreover, the Walsh code set is grouped into several orthogonal subsets to eliminate the interference from other users. A maximum likelihood (ML) detector is used to recovery the source bits, and a mathematical analysis is provided for the upper bound bit error ratio (BER) of each user. Comparisons are also made between our proposed scheme and the traditional SDMA scheme in spectrum utilization, number of available UEs, etc. Numerical results are given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed SDMA-GrCIM scheme.
翻译:以组合代码索引调制器(GrCIM)信号为基础,提出了基于第六代(6G)下行传输的新型分层空间分层多重访问(SDMA)方案。拟议的RSMA-GrCIM方案通过空间分层多重访问(SDMA)技术将信息传送给多个用户设备(UES),并利用代码索引调制分率。由于CIM方案通过选定的沃尔什编码索引和二进制转换密钥信号(BPSK)传送信息比特,我们的RSMA方案通过指数传送每个用户的私人信息,并通过BPSK信号传送通用信息。此外,沃尔什代码组被分组成若干个或全方位子子组,以消除其他用户的干扰。使用最大可能性(ML)探测器来恢复源位,并为每个用户的上限位错误比率(BER)提供数学分析。还比较了我们提议的方案和频谱利用的传统SDMA方案、可用UE数目等的SDMA计划。Nmericalalal 计划的结果用于核实提议的SDIM-Gr计划的有效性。