Context: Machine learning software can generate models that inappropriately discriminate against specific protected social groups (e.g., groups based on gender, ethnicity, etc). Motivated by those results, software engineering researchers have proposed many methods for mitigating those discriminatory effects. While those methods are effective in mitigating bias, few of them can provide explanations on what is the root cause of bias. Objective: We aim at better detection and mitigation of algorithmic discrimination in machine learning software problems. Method: Here we propose xFAIR, a model-based extrapolation method, that is capable of both mitigating bias and explaining the cause. In our xFAIR approach, protected attributes are represented by models learned from the other independent variables (and these models offer extrapolations over the space between existing examples). We then use the extrapolation models to relabel protected attributes later seen in testing data or deployment time. Our approach aims to offset the biased predictions of the classification model via rebalancing the distribution of protected attributes. Results: The experiments of this paper show that, without compromising (original) model performance, xFAIR can achieve significantly better group and individual fairness (as measured in different metrics) than benchmark methods. Moreover, when compared to another instance-based rebalancing method, our model-based approach shows faster runtime and thus better scalability. Conclusion: Algorithmic decision bias can be removed via extrapolation that smooths away outlier points. As evidence for this, our proposed xFAIR is not only performance-wise better (measured by fairness and performance metrics) than two state-of-the-art fairness algorithms.
翻译:背景:机器学习软件可以产生不适当地歧视特定受保护社会群体(例如基于性别、族裔等的群体)的模式。根据这些结果,软件工程研究人员提出了许多减少这些歧视影响的方法。虽然这些方法在减少偏见方面有效,但其中很少有人能够解释偏见的根源。目标:我们的目标是更好地发现和减轻在机器学习软件问题中存在的算法歧视。方法:我们在这里提出基于模型的外推法xFAIR,这种方法既能减少偏见,又能解释原因。在我们的xFAIR方法中,从其他独立变量中学习的公平性代表了受保护的属性(这些模型为现有实例之间的空间提供了外推法)。我们随后使用外推法模型来重新标注在测试数据或部署时间中发现的受保护属性。我们的方法旨在通过平衡受保护属性的分配来抵消对分类模型的偏差预测。结果:本文的实验表明,在不损害(原始)模型性能的情况下,xFAIR能够大大提高群体和个人的公平性(以其他独立变量衡量的数值衡量的公平性(这些模型为现有实例之间的外推推) 。然后,我们使用外推算模型可以显示另一种更准确性的方法。此外,因此,采用更精确的推后推的方法可以显示比标准的推后推后推后推后推后推后推的方法。