While head-mounted displays (HMDs) for Virtual Reality (VR) have become widely available in the consumer market, they pose a considerable obstacle for a realistic face-to-face conversation in VR since HMDs hide a significant portion of the participants faces. Even with image streams from cameras directly attached to an HMD, stitching together a convincing image of an entire face remains a challenging task because of extreme capture angles and strong lens distortions due to a wide field of view. Compared to the long line of research in VR, reconstruction of faces hidden beneath an HMD is a very recent topic of research. While the current state-of-the-art solutions demonstrate photo-realistic 3D reconstruction results, they require high-cost laboratory equipment and large computational costs. We present an approach that focuses on low-cost hardware and can be used on a commodity gaming computer with a single GPU. We leverage the benefits of an end-to-end pipeline by means of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). Our GAN produces a frontal-facing 2.5D point cloud based on a training dataset captured with an RGBD camera. In our approach, the training process is offline, while the reconstruction runs in real-time. Our results show adequate reconstruction quality within the 'learned' expressions. Expressions not learned by the network produce artifacts and can trigger the Uncanny Valley effect.
翻译:虽然虚拟现实(HMDs)的头部显示器在消费者市场上已经广泛提供,但它们对在虚拟现实(VR)中进行现实的面对面对话构成相当大的障碍,因为HMDs隐藏了相当一部分参与者的面孔。即使照相机的图像流直接连接到一个HMD上,但将整个脸部的令人信服的图像缝合在一起,由于极端的捕捉角度和广泛的视野而使透镜扭曲仍然是一项具有挑战性的任务。与VR的长线研究相比,重建隐藏在HMD下面的面孔是一个非常近期的研究课题。尽管目前最先进的解决方案展示了摄影现实的3D重建成果,但它们需要高成本的实验室设备和庞大的计算成本。我们提出了一种侧重于低成本硬件的方法,并且可以用单一的GPUP进行商品组合计算机。我们通过Genemental Aversarial网络(GAN)来利用端对端到端管道的好处。我们GAN的GAN制成了一个前方图象 2.5D点云以培训性网络为基础, 以培训的透明性网络为基础,在实时的重建过程中展示了我们的图像的演示品展示。