We give an exposition of the hidden subgroup problem for dihedral groups from the point of view of the standard hidden subgroup quantum algorithm for finite groups. In particular, we recall the obstructions for strong Fourier sampling to succeed, but at the same time, show how the standard algorithm can be modified to establish polynomial quantum query complexity. Finally, we explain a new connection between the dihedral coset problem and cloning of quantum states.
翻译:我们从标准组群隐藏子群量衡算法的角度来解说分级群的隐蔽分组问题。 特别是,我们记得强力Fourier取样成功的障碍,但与此同时,我们指出标准算法可以如何修改以建立多元量子查询复杂度。最后,我们解释了分级共和体问题与量子状态克隆之间的新联系。