Nowadays we witness a miniaturisation trend in the semiconductor industry backed up by groundbreaking discoveries and designs in nanoscale characterisation and fabrication. To facilitate the trend and produce ever smaller, faster and cheaper computing devices, the size of nanoelectronic devices is now reaching the scale of atoms or molecules - a technical goal undoubtedly demanding for novel devices. Following the trend, we explore an unconventional route of implementing a reservoir computing on a single protein molecule and introduce neuromorphic connectivity with a small-world networking property. We have chosen Izhikevich spiking neurons as elementary processors, corresponding to the atoms of verotoxin protein, and its molecule as a 'hardware' architecture of the communication networks connecting the processors. We apply on a single readout layer various training methods in a supervised fashion to investigate whether the molecular structured Reservoir Computing (RC) system is capable to deal with machine learning benchmarks. We start with the Remote Supervised Method, based on Spike-Timing-Dependent-Plasticity, and carry on with linear regression and scaled conjugate gradient back-propagation training methods. The RC network is evaluated as a proof-of-concept on the handwritten digit images from the MNIST dataset and demonstrates acceptable classification accuracy in comparison with other similar approaches.
翻译:现在,我们目睹半导体行业的微型化趋势,这种趋势得到了纳米规模特征化和制造的突破性发现和设计的支持。为了促进这一趋势并生产更小、更快和更廉价的计算设备,纳米电子设备的规模现在达到了原子或分子的规模,这无疑是一个技术目标,对新设备的要求无疑是一个技术目标。遵循这一趋势,我们探索了在单一蛋白分子上实施储油层计算并引入与小世界网络属性的神经形态连接的非常规途径。我们选择了Izhikevich 跳跃神经元作为初级处理器,与素质蛋白质原子相对应,其分子作为连接处理器的通信网络的“硬件”结构。我们以监督的方式在单读层应用各种培训方法,以调查分子结构储油量计算系统是否有能力处理机器学习基准。我们从远程超常识方法开始,以Spik-Timin-Decontinent-Platicity为基础,并用直线回归和缩缩化梯度变深度后变异度分析方法作为基本图像的缩缩缩缩图。